Routes List

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Amos by Road
An easy walk on paved roads all the way to the ruins of the ancient city of Amos.
5.4 km
2.0 hrs
Loryma Mountain Track
A short, circular walk starting and finishing at the Turunç Mosque.
4.1 km
2.0 hrs
Village Amble
An easy, circular walk ideal for orientating yourself to the village and providing some great and unusual views of the village and bay. Mainly on paved roads there is one short section along a dirt track but this can be skipped if necessary.
4.2 km
2.0 hrs
Waterfall Canyon v4
Just a few minutes' walk from Turunç's bustling waterfront lies a stunning mountainside canyon with wet season waterfalls, a summer river-bed walk, and amazing mountain views. This is a moderate walk to the back of the village on paved roads then on an easy to follow track with some loose eath and stone in places.
3.0 km
1.5 hrs
Amos Mountain Track v4
A moderate, circular walk partly on paved roads and partly on a rough mountain track, leading to the ruins of Amos Antik Kenti (the ancient city of Amos ). The ruins, thought to date back to around 200 BCE, are in surprisingly good condition, and are a must see for anyone visiting the area.
8.2 km
4.0 hrs
Içmeler Mountain Track
A wonderful if strenuous walk starting at the Turunç Mosque and finishing in Içmeler. The return journey can by the regular dolmuş (bus) service, taxi, or in the summer season by water taxi.
6.7 km
4.0 hrs
Pebble Beach
A strenuous and varied walk including a mountain track, road, and forest paths leading to the secluded Pebble Beach.
15.7 km
6.0 hrs
Gerbe Church
A strenuous and varied walk including mountain tracks, road, and forest paths leading to the stunning ruins of a Byzantine Church in a picturesque olive grove and optional beach/swim.
15.0 km
6.0 hrs
Dionysos Mountain Track v4
One of the best walks from Turunç with stunning views, a hidden mountain plateau, and incredibly varied terrain. This is a reasonably strenuous circular walk that is well way marked for most parts although some markers near the start have been lost due to forest fires and dam construction.
7.9 km
3.0 hrs